Here at All Services 4U we are a vastly experienced team of locksmiths and security technicians who work extremely well together to provide our customers with a first-class service. Though we have supreme confidence in our ability to carry out our duties, for your peace of mind, we offer a 6-month labour warranty. Due to our exceptionally high standards of workmanship and the trusted brands we use, we, as a company, experience very few warranty issues. But, in the event that such an unexpected issue should occur within those first 6 months, you can relax in the knowledge that one of our reliable team members will return to rectify the issue under our guarantee.



This guarantee covers labour only in respect of faulty workmanship for 6 months from the date of completion with the manufacturer’s warranty in force. Our guarantee will become void if the work completed by All Services 4U is subject to misuse or negligence by any other party. This 6-month guarantee will also be rendered void should our work be repaired, modified or tampered with by anyone other than an All Services 4U company engineer. The company will not accept liability for, or guarantee for suitability of materials supplied by the customer, and will not accept liability for any consequential damage or fault of customer supplied materials.  These terms and conditions awarded between the company and the customer shall be governed and construed in accordance with English law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English law.

Damages or Claims

All Services 4U shall only be liable for rectifying works completed by a company employee.  All Services 4U shall not be held responsible for any ensuing damage or claims resulting from ensuing damage. All Services 4U will not be held responsible for work that was overlooked or subsequently requested, and therefore, not undertaken at that time. These terms and conditions and all contacts awarded between the company and customer shall be governed and construed in accordance with English law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English law.


We reserve the right to revise our terms of use at any time by amending this page. As our terms are subject to change, you are expected to make note of any amendments or updates, as they are binding on you. Some of the provisions contained in our terms of use may also be superseded by provisions or notices published elsewhere on our site.

All Service 4U Limited | Company Number: 07565878